Monday, April 23, 2007


im going to go to new york this summer and learn to speel wit my rich grandpearents ther loddded.


wonderfred said...

You have rich gramd parents that can spell. Thats awsome. I thought you wre going to see your dad.

ello-poppet said...

really!!! sounds like fun. my uncle and aunt are lodded too!

stingray said...

Hey lucky. You had a good blog today. Well keep up the good work. TTYL

Hippie girl said...

Sweet. Have fun, learn how to spell good. PEACE! P.S. Hippies rule!

ello-poppet said...

hi!!! leppy

ello-poppet said...


Bubbles said...

Are they loaded?

Bubbles said...

Hi Leppy!!!

ktm said...

cool blog mack and if you come we eat all you can eat cradad feed

Chris said...

ji dude

Chris said...


Chris said...

i im a supid mooin

Chris said...

hi your a monkey just like corbin but your more like that jack rabit corbin talks aboyt

Bubbles said...


Bubbles said...


vandalin11 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bubbles said...


Bubbles said...


vandalin11 said...


Bubbles said...


vandalin11 said...


Bubbles said...


vandalin11 said...


vandalin11 said...


ktm said...

mack you ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

wonderfred said...

Uou dont write vey much I think that you won.

wonderfred said...

you are really good

wonderfred said...

You are realy tal

wonderfred said...

I think that bailey is wierd

wonderfred said...

but not really that is not ture.

stingray said...

Well I hope you are going to have a good blog today. Well ttyl

vandalin11 said...


wonderfred said...

I don't know what 'I am saying.

wonderfred said...

i will win

wonderfred said...

I think that you are tall

wonderfred said...

That isreally good

wonderfred said...

I wil get the most on yours

Bubbles said...


Bubbles said...


stingray said...

You will not win judd mack will

wonderfred said...

That is wy I am diong this so I can win something

wonderfred said...

Ha ha ha

wonderfred said...

I like to comment

Bubbles said...

hi leppy!!!

wonderfred said...

i cant spell good.

wonderfred said...

You are rich

wonderfred said...

That is bery thisa;lfhslfghskfhslkjhfkjsahgkhgbnffgjfdjfdjjf

wonderfred said...

i thing that you aolshkshgks

wonderfred said...

ke kekek

wonderfred said...


wonderfred said...

Hi how are you

stingray said...

Renee say somthing else but hi hi hi hi hi hi

wonderfred said...

That is good

wonderfred said...

I have a nice day.

wonderfred said...

I won

wonderfred said...

25 ha ha ahfalhflasfjlwsflewo