Tuesday, May 8, 2007


today i am going to type abought anything i think that i need to get more pictures for my blog just do a redew fr eveything

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

funiest thing that hapend to me

The funniest thing that ever hapend to me well there are two funny things that hapend to me one time i was camping and it started raining and a little while later my tent was flooded and i thought it was mebut it was just the rain. the second is when i pead on an eltrick fense it shocked me bad i fell down and was still wizzin and it got all over me.

Monday, April 30, 2007

women sues school

a wommen named syle doesnt get her degree becouse she had a myspace photo of her in a pirite hat drinking out of a mrgoodbar cup its her own site to me i think its wrong so far its cost 75,000 dollers in leakage

Friday, April 27, 2007

futere of tech

i think that there will be flying cars and life on mars in 10 years and McDonald's will be crushed by Bugerking .

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


this friday im going to go hunting with my freinds for rabit coyote and mountin lion and i get payed for it in your face all you rich peaple ho con speel.

Monday, April 23, 2007


im going to go to new york this summer and learn to speel wit my rich grandpearents ther loddded.

Monday, April 16, 2007


today im going to wright abought anything.
i wander if gravity was once gravy to me its a mistery e i think tha the laws of gravy would sound, compueters how do they do so much i mean how do just a few wyers get all the wayaround the world there would have to be alot of gravy does sound bether dont
i also think that rich peale should give mojney to the poor why can rich ppeaple spell is it genetic or something it creeps me out alot how aboughrt you

Friday, April 13, 2007


today im going to rant and rant loud. Speelin is fo rech peple an rech peple onle i sick tired of rech peple an there speelin. jone thee fiht stop rech peple to day. that is all

Thursday, April 12, 2007


today i am going to write abought family. I have a mother who is fun, a brotherwho is a pain in the bum, a sister who for somereason every sunday comes home and goes on a rampage sayin that this house needs to be cleaned today, a grandama and grandama who love me, and a whole lot more. I know its kinda boring but if i got into this i would be typing the world longest novel. i also have a neace who has just turned 4 (let the lord help me) she is the devil she is mean nasty and creul she does anything she wants she got away with saying she was going to shoot my mom her grandma. she picked up my neaphew the other day she was making him stand up hes only 4 or 5 moths. she knew she isnt aloud to pick him up then she droped him like one of her barby dolls. come meet her some time.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

what i like to do on the weakend.

on the weekend I play with my freinds, on the weak end i learn to spelll, on the weeak ends i watch tv., on the weak end i like to black mail my freinds. they don't think its very nice becouse almost nomater what i tell the peaple and if i keep geting info like today it should be a fun weak.
i only try to speel on evey other weekend as you can tell. was that a ryme to me it was, i am gettin a tooterd from wonderfred isnt that horible.zzzzzzzz sorry im reallly tired but zzzzzz nevr mind spelling is for rich peaple.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

if i could live anywere

if i could live any were i would eather live in irland or hawie i cant spell very good but thats okay thats okay yea. i would whant to live in cork irland becouse it is close to the the farthest south of ireland. i would like to live in hawie becouse of the weather there i like worm weather. i would like to go back and forth between them whenever i wanted that would be awsom to me.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

favorite movie

My favorite clasic movies are roberson coruso and red dawn. In red dawn a bunch of kids in colardo i think fight of the suviet union. the modern movies i like are eight crazy nights and space balls. The movie that i want to see is erogon.

Monday, April 2, 2007

video games

yea i love video games alot yup i like the ones were you shoot peaple like the japs in medil of honer rison sun i like the movie pearl harbor but hate japs if it were my choise they would be extint i know


i was in doing what i do when a cutermur showed up and odered a doublecheese buger i gave to him and as he gave me a credit card i took it and looked at the number i used this on the internet and know im living the good life yea.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


i hate simin he is a loser i could be on ameican idol listen to this the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round all the dooda day. simon"to be exsect it was a tearible choice of song and i hate your out fit but your vocal was great its a no for me, pola" i liked it to be honest i like little kid songs,randy"i liked it i think you have what it takes so its a yes. vandalin" i think simon is a losser i am awsom but i made it !!!!!!!!!!.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I was out hunting squirl yesterday i saw 3 wright up in a tree all huddled together then a single file line of squirl came up behind them i waited until they were in xatly the wright spot and then took out my shotgun and shot every one of them it was a bloody mess.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Today i had pizza for lunch after school im going to the library or i'm, going home ii dont now which place i am going to go to. at five me and a freind are going to the track to run he is going up for track and im not I might go up for track next year I just dont now.
today for lunch i had pizza stick i like pizza theres a party tomoro at the school i cant weight exept im buying the mounting dew.
today there is a party and i forgot the mountin dew that stinks i thought i had some or mybe i drank it last night with the pizza.
i like ufo do you like ufo i swear i saw one the other night it looked like a ball. i looke d to the left and saw a person shooting them ought of a caning. they were landing in a corn feild and he slowly made a cirle. then i found a 3 inch puddle and pushed the person shooting balls into it turnes out it was corbin he was the alien all the time. he nearly drowned.
i decided to go for a walk one day and all of a sudden i saw big foot i grabed a carmra and ran after him. when i cought up with him it turned out that a hunter had shot him and was a bought to take him away. now not really ive never seen bigfoot not at all i just maid it up so i would have something to wrighrt abought.